Marketing tactics for Q2, Do's & Dont's

Dive into our in-depth blog on marketing tactics for Q2, where we break down the key strategies, trends, and best practices to help you succeed in your marketing endeavors.

We'll walk you through the essential do's and don'ts, along with real-life examples and case studies, to ensure you stay ahead of the competition and make the most of your marketing investments.

An advertising sign & some emojis talking about marketing tactics

8 minutes read


Author:Raluca Lungoci, Marketing specialist



As a marketing manager, staying ahead and adapting your strategies to the ever-changing landscape is crucial. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore the top marketing tactics for Q2, providing a roadmap of essential do's and don'ts to maximize your campaign success. From leveraging the power of data-driven insights to harnessing the latest content marketing trends, our expert guidance will ensure your brand stays at the forefront of digital marketing excellence.

So, buckle up and prepare to supercharge your Q2 marketing efforts with these actionable tips and tricks.


  1. Audit the client for the past performance

One key do's for Q2 marketing success is conducting a thorough audit of your client's past performance. This vital step will help you identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement in their existing marketing strategies.

By examining crucial data points such as website traffic, conversion rates, and social media engagement, you'll gain valuable insights into what has worked and what hasn't. With this information, you can make informed decisions on optimizing your client's campaigns.

Remember, the more you understand your client's historical performance, the better equipped you'll be to craft a winning strategy tailored to their unique needs and goals for the upcoming quarter.

  1. Focus on optimizing the past content

Another essential thing for Q2 marketing success is optimizing your client's past content from the previous three months. In today's fast-paced digital world, content is king, and ensuring that your client's existing content is up-to-date and relevant is crucial for driving engagement and conversions. Begin by analyzing the performance metrics of your client's content, such as click-through rates, time on page, and social shares, to identify high-potential pieces that can be further optimized.

Consider updating headlines, incorporating relevant keywords, and adding multimedia elements like images or videos to boost the content's appeal. By revisiting and refining past content, you maximize its potential for success and demonstrate to your client that you're committed to making the most of their marketing investments.

  1. Research for new trends

Continuously researching and adapting to recent developments in the marketing world is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Stay with the latest trends and incorporate them into your client's strategy.

In 2023, some notable trends that you should be aware of include:

  • Personalization: Tailoring content and messaging to individual users has become increasingly important, as consumers expect more relevant and customized experiences from the brands they interact with.

  • Video marketing: Video content continues to dominate, with platforms like TikTok and YouTube seeing exponential growth. Integrating video into your client's marketing strategy can help increase engagement and reach new audiences.

  • Voice search optimization: As voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant become more prevalent, optimizing content for voice search is crucial for maintaining visibility in search engine results.

  • Sustainability and social responsibility: Consumers are increasingly concerned about their purchases' environmental and social impact. Brands committed to sustainability and social responsibility will likely resonate with these values-driven consumers.

  • Artificial intelligence and automation: AI-powered tools transform the marketing landscape by streamlining processes, personalizing campaigns, and providing valuable insights. Embracing these technologies can help your clients stay ahead of the curve.

By keeping an eye on emerging trends and incorporating them into your client's marketing strategy, you can ensure that their campaigns remain fresh, relevant, and impactful in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  1. Give a chance to influencer marketing

Influencers play a huge role in marketing this year, especially those trustable, active, and people-oriented. As consumers increasingly rely on the opinions and recommendations of influencers they trust in 2023, brands that collaborate with these influential individuals can expand their reach, enhance their credibility, and ultimately drive sales.

By effectively utilizing influencer marketing, you can tap into the power of social proof and word-of-mouth, amplifying your client's message and driving tangible results. Start by identifying influencers within your client's niche who align with their brand values and have a substantial, engaged following. Reach out to these influencers with tailored partnership proposals that outline the benefits of working together and the potential for mutual growth. Be sure to monitor and track the performance of your influencer campaigns, using metrics such as impressions, engagement rates, and conversions, to continuously refine your approach and maximize your client's return on investment.

Tip: When choosing an influencer, try choosing an influencer that is an expert in your client's domain. Avoid "good at everything" influencers; they will lose the brand's credibility.

  1. Prepare proactive content for online seasons.

A vital part of Q2 marketing success is proactively preparing content for the summer months and creating targeted seasonal content, such as for the Easter season.

Planning ahead and crafting tailored content around seasonal events and trends can help your client's brand capitalize on the increased interest and activity during these periods. For summer, focus on generating content that highlights your client's products or services in the context of warmer weather, vacations, or outdoor activities, depending on their niche. As for the Easter season, consider creating content that ties in with themes of renewal, family gatherings, or Easter traditions, ensuring that it remains relevant to your client's target audience and brand identity.

By strategically preparing seasonal content in advance, you'll be able to capture the attention of consumers during these high-engagement periods, ultimately driving increased brand awareness, engagement, and sales.


  1. Don't use a trend that is not suitable for the brand

Regarding Q2 marketing success, it's important to remember that not all trends suit every brand. One crucial "don't" is to avoid the temptation to jump on the bandwagon of a popular trend if it doesn't align with your client's brand identity or target audience. While it's essential to stay informed about emerging trends and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly, as I explained earlier, ensuring that the tactics you employ resonate with your client's unique value proposition and customer base is equally important.

Adopting a trend simply because it's popular can lead to disjointed messaging, confusion among your client's audience, and a lack of meaningful results. Instead, focus on identifying and implementing trends that complement your client's brand and help them stand out in their niche. Staying true to their core values and unique selling points will create a more cohesive and effective marketing strategy that delivers accurate, lasting impact.

  1. Don't skip data privacy and security

One thing to keep in mind is not to neglect the importance of data privacy and security when implementing your marketing campaigns. With the ever-increasing emphasis on data protection, consumers are becoming more concerned about how their personal information is collected, stored, and used.

Failing to comply with relevant privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, can lead to hefty fines and erode consumer trust in your client's brand. To sidestep these issues, ensure that your marketing tactics prioritize data privacy by clearly communicating how user data is collected and processed, obtaining explicit consent when required, and implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information.

Demonstrating a commitment to data privacy and security will foster trust and confidence in your client's audience, ultimately contributing to long-term marketing success.

  1. Don't abandon the blog

Never abandon your client's blog! And I mean it.

While shifting focus to newer content formats and platforms is tempting, the blog remains an indispensable tool for nurturing leads, building authority, and boosting search engine rankings.

Regularly publishing high-quality, relevant content helps your client stay top-of-mind with their target audience and positions them as a thought leader in their industry. Additionally, a consistently updated blog can significantly improve organic search visibility, driving a steady stream of targeted traffic to your client's website.

Instead of sidelining the blog in favor of fleeting trends, invest time and resources in creating informative, engaging, and shareable content that showcases your client's expertise and addresses their audience's pain points. Maintaining a solid blog presence will lay the foundation for lasting marketing success and create a valuable resource that continues to generate results over time.


2023 is a unique year, and Q2 brings new challenges. We are slowly getting ready for the summer months, and the seasonal brands are only now starting to work. Focus on the brand, and remember the 7 do's and don'ts.

Do: Audit the client for past performance, Research for new trends, Focus on optimizing the past content, and Prepare content for significant seasons.

Don't: Use a trend unsuitable for the brand, Abandon the blog, Skip data privacy and security.